EMS 4000/4000R
Standard Model for Muscle Strengthening and Toning
Same unit as the 2000 series, but with four channels so you
can work more muscle groups at once. Reciprocation mode allows for
supersetting muscle groups. Electrical Muscle Stimulators have also
been used for the relaxation of muscle spasms, increasing range
of motion, reduction and prevention of muscle atrophy, reeducation
of muscles, increasing local blood circulation and relief from minor
pain (joint pains, muscle aches, etc.) and stress. Includes the
EMS 4000/4000R accesory pack with eight 4" round and four 2.5"
round reusable electrodes, four lead wires, eight velcro straps,
and a free pack of 3" round self adhesive electrodes. Optional
Russian Stimulation Models provide for a deeper and stronger muscle
contraction in addition to the standard EMS mode.
Unit Specifications
EMS 4000 - $325 US
EMS 4000R - $399.95 US
Click here to learn how to
use this unit.
Doctor's Prescription Required to order the 2000R
and 4000R in the USA only. NOT required for international customers.