Please print out this form, complete the top portion,
have your Health Care Provider (Medical Doctor, Chiropractor, Dentist,
Podiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, Physicians Assistant, Ph.D., Physical
Therapist, Doctor of Acupuncture or Doctor of Osteopathy) sign it
and mail or fax it in today.
Yes! I want
to stop pain fast. Please send me a T.E.N.S. unit today.
(Please Print)
Patient's Name_______________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
City ______________________ State _____________________ Zip ___________
Day Phone________________________Evening Phone _____________________
E-mail_____________________________Fax _____________________________
Method of Payment: $99 S/H $6 Express Overnight $15
Check Enclosed (US Currency Only)
Card #________________________________________Exp. Date _____________
Name on Credit Card__________________________________________________
Credit Card Billing Address_________________________________ Zip _________
Signature ________________________________________________________
Name of your licensed health care practitioner _______________________________
License # __________________________________________________________
Dr's address ________________________________________________________
City_______________________State____________________Zip ____________
Doctor's Signature __________________________________________________
Print out and mail/fax form to:
The TENS Store
2333 Camino Del Rio South #230
San Diego, CA. 92108
Toll Free Phone (888) 293-0728
Toll Free FAX: (888) 280-0299